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To the current situation in the world - just some thoughts

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To the current situation in the world - just some thoughts Empty To the current situation in the world - just some thoughts

Beitrag  Mike So Jul 24, 2011 6:30 pm

This morning I just felt the need to say something about the current situation in the world, especially in regard to the Norway massacre and the death of Amy Winehouse.
Although I am late I like to say: My heart goes out to the people of Norway. I am very sad about what happened there. All of us should never forget this precious gift called life and how easy it can be to lose it. This makes it so important to simply tell those who are close to us how much we love them. It's just one sentence with an enormous meaning.

I am also sad to hear about Amy Winehouse' death. At the same time I am angry at people who said (on TV): It's her own fault, haha. I ask everybody: Would you say the same if it was your child, sibling, relative, friend or parent?

We really need to respect life, and not only our own life.

I just want everybody to remember that saying “I love you” does, in “worst” case, cost courage, but no money. It may sound like only three words to some people but mean the world to others.

I pray for the people of Norway. I pray for everyone who lost a child and/or someone who was loved. Feel free to join me.


Anzahl der Beiträge : 132
Anmeldedatum : 15.10.09

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To the current situation in the world - just some thoughts Empty Re: To the current situation in the world - just some thoughts

Beitrag  Rena Mo Jul 25, 2011 8:52 pm

Liebe Mike,

leider kann ich Dir nicht auf Englisch antworten, Du weißt, meine diesbezüglichen Sprachkenntnisse sind sehr schlecht. Doch ich habe Deine Zeilen weitestgehend lesen können und möchte Dir Danke sagen für Deine wahren tiefgehenden Worte.

Auch mich bewegen die Geschehnisse in Norwegen zu tiefst, bin fassungslos und traurig, voller Mitgefühl mit den Opfern - sie waren doch noch Kinder – und mit den Hinterbliebenen. Und ja, Du hast es so treffend gesagt, man soll das Leben zu jeder Sekunde als ein kostbares Geschenk sehen, es kann Morgen zu Ende sein.

Das was über Amy Winehouse gesagt wird, finde ich auch sehr schlimm. Auch über ihren Tod bin ich sehr traurig.

Liebe Grüße


Anzahl der Beiträge : 392
Anmeldedatum : 02.06.10

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To the current situation in the world - just some thoughts Empty Re: To the current situation in the world - just some thoughts

Beitrag  Dagi Mo Jul 25, 2011 9:03 pm

dear Mike,

thanks for the true words, I think exactly like you and the remainder here in the forum

Grüssle Dagi

Anzahl der Beiträge : 634
Anmeldedatum : 11.06.10
Alter : 60
Ort : 63785 Obernburg

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To the current situation in the world - just some thoughts Empty Re: To the current situation in the world - just some thoughts

Beitrag  Cherub Di Jul 26, 2011 9:10 pm

Dear Mike,

thank you so much for your reminding words.
I just can only agree with you.

When I saw all the news the whole weekend long, because of this horrible and unbelievable massacre in Norway - it was just like a dream I wished to wake up from. Immediatly I was thinking about the possibility to lose my own child, because of such an nightmare!!!!!!!!! No one of the Norway citizens will ever forget this date. The whole nation is united in their desparation and mourning.
BUT, what is most important to me, against all the pain and suffering in the families: several hundred thousands of people have been "demonstrated" in Oslo against this crime, today I saw it in the news - with roses, this flower as the symbol for loving each other!!! Look how strong they are.
They are really remarkable.
They don't want the evil to win this disgusting "game".
They are giving the whole world a lesson with their way to react.
They are showing the whole world, that love is stronger than anything else, that only love can be the answer - the essential message of Michael Jackson!!!

I want to add one thought. There is another ashaming tragedy, which I cannot get out of my mind the last days (maybe because I feel a special connection to the black continent): millions of people are in danger to die because of hunger in Somalia and Kenia. 3,7 millions of children are going to die, because they can't find anything to eat!!!!!!! And these fucking (sorry soory sorry Embarassed) rebells in Somalia don't let the humanitarian organizations helping the poorest people of all. This is such a tragedy - and I have to confess that I feel ashamed, because my fridge is not empty!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Lord, I saw a docu in which a mother told that she was on the run to escape from Somalia with her five children. She lost three of them because of hunger. THREE of her children died during this flight, they were to weak to walk anylonger. She had to leave her dying children, to save the other two ones!! Everyone who is mother or father maybe can imagine her pain and desparation in her heart. How can this wound ever healed?

Yes Mike, you are right. Telling the people in our lifes, that we love them and that they are an important part of our way is necessary. We never know if we will get the chance to tell them these enormous important words the next day. Sadly, sadly I know by myself, why I have to stress your words.
"I love you" is the most important and elementary promise which we can give each other. When will we ever learn?? And of course it doesn't cost money to tell our friends and family these healing words!

Well, Amy Winehouse, I am sure she found a better place now. In my opinion, nobody has the right to jugde her way, no one was walking in HER shoes! I think she hasn't lived her life that way, because she found it "cool" or something else. Deep inside she must have been very sad and maybe couldn't find a solution - and all the people around her either. The last years have been a personal tragedy which the whole public followed fascinated. Was there anyone really interested in helping her?? Was there anyone able to help her for real? I don't know, but as a mother my thoughts are with her mother and her father.
May the Holy Father take her peacefully in his healing arms..........................

Love & Peace

Anzahl der Beiträge : 4370
Anmeldedatum : 25.10.09
Alter : 54
Ort : Warstein-NRW

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To the current situation in the world - just some thoughts Empty Re: To the current situation in the world - just some thoughts

Beitrag  brihof Mi Jul 27, 2011 12:07 am

Hi Mike,
schöne Worte hast Du gefunden, Du sprichst mir aus dem Herzen.
Möchte auch gerne ein paar Sätze zu den schrecklichen Ereignissen in Norwegen loswerden, wenn auch nicht in englisch.
Dieses furchtbare Massaker macht mich und bestimmt auch alle anderen hier fassungslos, unsagbar traurig und furchtbar wütend. Man kann nicht glauben, zu was Menschen fähig sind, die hingehen und wahllos unschuldige blutjunge Menschen abschlachten. Ein eiskalter Mensch ohne Gefühle, geschweige denn Schuldgefühe oder gar Reue, warum ??? Was geht vor in so einem kranken Kopf ???
Mein ganzes Mitgefühl gilt den trauernden Angehörigen und hoffe, dass sich ihr unsagbarer Schmerz eines Tages in liebevolle und dankbare Erinnerung verwandelt, damit sie irgendwann einmal wieder ein halbwegs normales Leben führen können.

Gleichzeitig sehen wir diese unerträglichen Bilder aus Afrika, wo unzählige Kinder verhungern. In einer Welt, in der Menschen sich im Weltall tummeln, Hightech-Kriege führen, immer und überall erreichbar sind und Manager sich auch in Krisenzeiten die Taschen voll Geld stopfen, sterben Menschen an Hunger - wie passt das zusammen ????

Mike, Du hast Recht, wenn Du sagst, man muss Respekt vor dem Leben haben und nicht nur auf sein Eigenes achten. Wenn alle so dächten, gäbe es diese furchtbaren Katastrophen nicht. Genau diese Botschaft hat Michael Zeit seines Lebens in die Welt getragen. Noch immer haben sie nicht alle verstanden.

Noch ein Wort zu Amy Winehouse. Ich bin mir ganz sicher, dass sie jetzt glücklich ist auf ihrem Weg ins Licht. Immer wenn ich Bilder von ihr sah, sah sie aus, als wäre sie nicht glücklich, irgendwie traurig. Lag vielleicht an den vielen Problemen, mit denen sie sich rumschlagen musste. Bestimmt wird sie Michael begegnen, der sie in den Arm nehmen und sie an einen besseren Ort mitnehmen wird.
RIP Amy and Michael. Like a Star @ heaven


Anzahl der Beiträge : 783
Anmeldedatum : 06.05.11
Alter : 70
Ort : Dollern

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