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..Letter from Michael

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..Letter from Michael  Empty ..Letter from Michael

Beitrag  danceoflife Do Jul 15, 2010 4:23 pm

I love you OHNE WORTE Sad

NOTE: Not sure when this was written, be warned its heartbreaking…

Letter from Michael Jackson

For that there is someone out there who understands me. Maybe there are more. If I may I’d like to write some sentences to the people of the world. Sentences you will never find in your newspapers, because for that they are not spectacular enough.
Dear people,
I would like to ask you a question – the question WHY. Why is there so much poverty in the world? Why so many wars? Why so much torture and agony? And why must children die and innocent suffer? I don’t understand it. Do you understand it?
I want to help. I want to make people happy, and may it be just for a moment. That is what gives my life a sense. Don’t you understand me? What did I do that you judge me? Are you really envious of me? You don’t have to. I wouldn’t wish you to be me…
Maybe you just want me to confess my ‘guilt’.
Yes, it is true, I do love children! But not the way you want it to be. I love them from the bottom of my heart. Because children don’t make wars. Children have never hurt me. It makes me happy to look in their shining eyes. Is it a crime wanting to be happy and want to make others happy? Many of them who visit me are going to die soon, of cancer or other terrible diseases. I won’t let you forbid me through your arrogance to give them just one happy day!
Yes, it is true that I had plastic surgeries! Do you know what it feels like?! How often did I have to wake up in pain! How often I didn’t know what would expect me when I look into the mirror! How often did I cry when I did it! Don’t you see that I’m punishing myself for that I cannot cope with my face – and with myself! Why do you also punish me for it?
Yes, it is true, once I was black! You get darker in the sun and get admired for that. But I am sick and you hit me for it. The sun you love so much can kill me. In former times I loved to be outside in the light, too, now I can nearly only go out at night. And you make your fun out of it. If I hadn’t become the Michael Jackson you know today, then I would also be like that: I would be a white black with curls and a thick ******nose for which everybody would tease me. Well, now you tease me because of my little nose. Maybe I would already be dead because I couldn’t protect myself so good as I can today. Would you prefer it when I was dead? Or when I had never existed? But then you wouldn’t have my music! Would you like to do without ‘Billie Jean’?! My music you love though, don’t you? Just not me. But I create the music to make you happy.
You torture me with your disgraceful words. Words can sometimes hurt so much more than punchs. Often I sit in an edge and cry. I ask God for what I have to suffer, what a reason I’ve given you. Cause I never did harm to anyone. I am afraid of you ’cause you’ve hurt me so badly. And I don’t even defend myself. I simply hide behind my masks. Oh, how I hate these masks! Under them I can hardly breathe. But I have no choice, it’s the only way to protect myself. But you don’t like it when I protect myself. You’d prefer to kick a defenceless man in his face. but this favour I won’t do you. I don’t need to be ashamed for anything I’ve done. And as I can see at you, dear Unknown there are people who understand my message.
My friends and me, we don’t go into the war with tanks. We come with sunflowers to all of you even though you laugh at us and snap our flowers off. Maybe you will understand not before not only the flowers but the whole sun goes out. With my music, with what I do I would like to bring a light into the world. But is it necessary that I kill myself until someone believes me? And until someone believes me that I just want to do good things and that I suffer from your hate? But then you would be outraged: “And the children?!” Particularly you would say that, you who would love the most to take my children away from me. You say they aren’t my children. You say I couldn’t educate them. How do you want to know this?! And is it important then what blood is flowing through their veins when I would die for them? Your jealousy and your hate make you blind for what love means.
You don’t know me, nevertheless you have already judged me! You, those reporters who hammer me at the cross in the morning, you listen to my music in the evening! That is not fair! You are not interested in what you write if it just attracts readers and causes headlines. But my name is enough to attract the people. Why is it always necessary to denounce me? Why don’t you write something positive, there you wouldn’t have to search so long! Why do I have to be ‘***** *****’? Can’t you see that the only one I’m hurting is myself?! You hunt me like I was a piece of cattle. Isn’t there anybody who sees that I’m also a human being?! Where do you have your heart? Where do you have your mercy? Where do you have your love?
If just one out of ten people who get this letter tries to understand me, already then my life is it worth being lived.
Peace, Love and Kindness
From my heart, Michael Jackson.

Anzahl der Beiträge : 1865
Anmeldedatum : 19.10.09

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..Letter from Michael  Empty Re: ..Letter from Michael

Beitrag  rike Do Jul 15, 2010 4:35 pm

Sad Sad Sad Sad

schade das rein nichts bekannt ist wann es geschrieben wurde und an wen die Zeilen gingen...... ich bin da nun auch etwas am zweifeln ob es dann wirklich von MJ ist.....

Anzahl der Beiträge : 3130
Anmeldedatum : 17.10.09
Alter : 49
Ort : LK Wolfenbüttel

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..Letter from Michael  Empty Re: ..Letter from Michael

Beitrag  Kisu Do Jul 15, 2010 4:52 pm

Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

ist schön, egal ob nun von Michael oder von einem Fan.

Anzahl der Beiträge : 1250
Anmeldedatum : 15.10.09
Alter : 39

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..Letter from Michael  Empty Re: ..Letter from Michael

Beitrag  danceoflife Do Jul 15, 2010 4:57 pm

..ich ging nie davon aus, das der Brief "echt" niemals Michaels Schreibstil..das hat ein Fan geschrieben...aber ist was zum drüber nachdenken..

Anzahl der Beiträge : 1865
Anmeldedatum : 19.10.09

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..Letter from Michael  Empty Re: ..Letter from Michael

Beitrag  rike Do Jul 15, 2010 7:34 pm

gut geschrieben udn zu nachdenken ist es alle mal..... nicht das mir wer falsch versteht I love you

Anzahl der Beiträge : 3130
Anmeldedatum : 17.10.09
Alter : 49
Ort : LK Wolfenbüttel

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..Letter from Michael  Empty Re: ..Letter from Michael

Beitrag  L.O.V.E. Fr Jul 16, 2010 7:06 am

Der Brief ist sehr sehr aussagefräftig.
Wer weiß ob er nicht wirklich von Michael geschrieben wurde?
Vielleicht weil jeder daran zweifelt...vielleicht ist er gerade desshalb von ihm!
Schade, dass man ihm darauf nicht mehr antworten kann...mein Herz weint, wenn ich diese Zeilen lese!

Anzahl der Beiträge : 584
Anmeldedatum : 04.05.10
Alter : 45
Ort : Berglen

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..Letter from Michael  Empty Re: ..Letter from Michael

Beitrag  rike Fr Jul 16, 2010 10:51 am

ich fänds als gut wenn man z.b. wo derjenige der das eingestellt hat das her hat... es wäre ok wenn es von einem Fan geschrieben wäre - dann sollte man es nur dabeischreiben udn wenn es wirklich von MJ ist dann fänd ich ne zeitangabe oder grobe Quellenangabe gut Wink

was nu aber nix mit Aussagekraft der zeilen zu tun hat - aber vllt bin ich da einfach typisch Wissenschaftlerin Razz Wink

Anzahl der Beiträge : 3130
Anmeldedatum : 17.10.09
Alter : 49
Ort : LK Wolfenbüttel

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..Letter from Michael  Empty Re: ..Letter from Michael

Beitrag  Dreamer Fr Jul 16, 2010 11:23 am

Ich find es einfach nur absolut wahr was dort geschrieben wird, ob nun Fan oder von Michael himself.
Wenn es Michael wirklich geschrieben haben sollte, schmerzt es um so mehr.

Anzahl der Beiträge : 1765
Anmeldedatum : 19.11.09
Alter : 63
Ort : Steinheim /NRW

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..Letter from Michael  Empty Re: ..Letter from Michael

Beitrag  danceoflife Fr Jul 16, 2010 3:13 pm

..ja..das stimmt leider...die Quellenangabe fehlt..deshalb hat das für mich beim längeren drüber nachdenken ein "Gschmäckle" wie man so sagt...
..also von Michael ist das definitiv gibt Sätze wie z.B.

...don’t you see that I’m punishing myself for that I cannot cope with my face – and with myself!

..und das fällt mir besonders auf...

Well, now you tease me because of my little nose....

...das ist nie und nimmer sein Schreibstil..das war ein Fan..ders gut meinte...aber mir wär auch wohler bei der Sache wenn ich nen Anhaltspunkt hätte...vielleicht auch von dessen Beweggründen..das so ins Netz zu stellen..


Anzahl der Beiträge : 1865
Anmeldedatum : 19.10.09

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..Letter from Michael  Empty Re: ..Letter from Michael

Beitrag  Kisu Fr Jul 16, 2010 3:57 pm

Das ist eines der Kommentare unter dem Text, es ist wohl def. nicht von Michael und auch schon älter....

Do you really believe Michael Jackson would write he didnt want thick lips and a NIGGER nose?? This was written by a fan many yrs ago on an Mj fan board and debunked as fake at that time. It eveident it is fake as nothing is worded as Michael Jackson speaks. Fans should Study MJ history and they wont be mislead by fakes. . von Qbee

auch das Kommentar ist lesenswert...

Michael Jackson would NEVER, EVER use the “n” word, and therefore he did not write this letter. As an African-American woman nearly the same age as Michael, I would bet my life on this. Michael had too much respect for our race to use that terminology in a letter to a mixed population. Someone has written this letter on his behalf, apparently, and in THAT context there is a lot of food for thought. von Iris M. Gross

Anzahl der Beiträge : 1250
Anmeldedatum : 15.10.09
Alter : 39

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..Letter from Michael  Empty Re: ..Letter from Michael

Beitrag  danceoflife Fr Jul 16, 2010 5:08 pm

..danke Irina..das deckt sich also mit meinen Vermutungen..hab inzwischen auch die Bestätigung einer userin aus meinem andern Forum..die ist Halb-Amerikanerin..und sie meinte, der das geschrieben hat..war kein Muttersprachler...und ganz deutlich sieht man es in der Benutzung des "n" Wortes..solch eine Wortwahl ist niemals von Michael..

Anzahl der Beiträge : 1865
Anmeldedatum : 19.10.09

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..Letter from Michael  Empty Re: ..Letter from Michael

Beitrag  L.O.V.E. So Jul 18, 2010 5:57 pm

Ihr habt vollkommen Recht!
Ich habe mir den Brief noch mal in allen Einzelheiten durchgelesen und ich bin jetzt überzeugt davon,
dass dieser Brief niemals von Michael geschrieben wurde!

Anzahl der Beiträge : 584
Anmeldedatum : 04.05.10
Alter : 45
Ort : Berglen

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..Letter from Michael  Empty Re: ..Letter from Michael

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